
Chamomile is one of the most ancient medicinal herbs, and this is no coincidence. Its therapeutic properties are attributed to its content of numerous terpenoids and flavonoids, which exhibit antibacterial and antioxidant effects. The botanical name Chamomilla derives from Greek, meaning ‘earth apple.’ Chamomile has been widely used in traditional and folk medicine since ancient times, dating back to Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. In Christian records it is listed as one of the nine sacred herbs given to humans. In Tibet, monks prepared a recipe for rejuvenation with chamomile as the main ingredient.

See how you can incorporate Chamomile essential oil into your aromatherapy.

Exploring the Effects of Chamomile essential oil

Calms the nervous system. Also suitable for children.

Relieves pain in tense muscles and ligaments.

Helps with headaches, migraines, neuralgic pains (especially of the facial nerve).

Reduces temperature: has a diaphoretic effect.

Aids digestion: stimulates the secretion of bile and gastric juice.

Acts as an anti-inflammatory, hydrates and improves skin immunity.

100% natural composition

The oil was obtained by steam distillation from flowers of Chamomile (Matricaria Chamomilla), grown according to organic farming methods. It is 100% organic certified and meets the BDS ISO 16128-1:2018 standard.

Aromatic molecules: Bisabolol (Bisabolol oxide), Farnesene (β-Farnesene), Chamazulene (Chamazulene), Germacrene (Germacrene D).

Hamazulene relieves pain, stimulates wound healing, and has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. Bisabolol has an antimicrobial effect.


Aroma lamp/aroma diffuser: 5-6 drops per 15-20 sq.m. area, has a strong tonic effect, also used to purify the air in the room in case of viral and flu infections.

Aroma bath: 3-5 drops dissolved in 1 tbsp. honey, milk, or sea salt. It stimulates blood circulation and is suitable for tired, flabby, and sagging skin. Tones and revives.

Massage/self-massage: 5 drops per 10 ml. base oil, for muscle pains and cramps, due to a cold or muscle strain. It has a warming effect and helps with joint pain, rheumatism, gout, and muscle pain.

Compresses: 5-10 drops per 1l. hot/cold water.

Contraindications: it is not recommended to use chamomile essential oil during the first months of pregnancy, as well as at least 2 hours before breastfeeding!

Aroma Blends

The aroma of chamomile is tart-herbal, warm, and sweet with a hint of hay. Chamomile essential oil combines well with herbal and floral aromas – rose, geranium, lavender, lemon balm, and yarrow.

We use Chamomile extracts in some of our best cosmetic products with anti-inflammatory and soothing effects:

In case you have any questions about the products and how to use them – we will be happy to answer at  or on our FB page.