In summer, the intense sun rays of the sea or the mountains, salty sea water, intense sweating, and heat are a challenge for the skin. We offer you ideas for nourishing and soothing face beauty masks. You can easily prepare them at home with 100% natural ingredients – without harmful preservatives and synthetic substances. Homemade masks are a completely ecological choice – you save nature at least one additional plastic packaging.

The active ingredients we use – ECOMAAT products, are of completely natural origin, without artificial flavors, synthetic additives, and preservatives – 100% natural and 100% organic certified according to the requirements of the USDA NOP regulation. Accordingly, the masks are perfectly perceived by the skin and provide natural regeneration through the active action of the finest and gentlest natural ingredients.

The basis of the masks we have selected for you is also white clay. Also known as huma, white clay is soft and fine-textured. Gently exfoliates the skin in order to renew the cells of the epidermis. Cleanses in depth, drawing out toxins and accumulated impurities. In addition, it stimulates blood circulation and cell regeneration. Removes excess sebum, cleans pores, and normalizes sebum secretion.

#1 Mask with clay, Zdravetz essential oil, Zdravetz floral water and “Joy” face and body oil

2 tbsp. white clay
2 drops of Zdravetz essential oil
15 ml. floral water from Zdravetz
5 ml. “Joy” face and body oil

Mix everything well until you get a uniform thick slurry. Apply to the face tightly, in a thick layer. Leave it on for 15 minutes, then wash it off.

Zdravetz Essential Oil (Geranium Macrorrhizum) – 10% solution in bio Jojoba

It has pronounced protective and regenerating properties thanks to the contained azulenes. It is suitable for day and night care in summer. In addition, Zdravetz essential oil has a good lightening and cleansing effect on the skin, prevents the appearance of comedones and removes pigment spots.

Zdravetz Floral Water

Zdravetz floral water has pronounced cleansing, whitening and regenerating properties. The azulenes contained in the Zdravetz extract determine the soothing effect of the water. It is suitable for daily cleansing and toning of oily and mixed skin – it balances sebum secretion.

JOY Face and Body Oil with Essential Oils of Zdravetz and Sage

It has pronounced antiseptic properties, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating effect, removes pigment spots, prevents the appearance of comedones and has a mild whitening effect.

Salvia sclarea oil in the composition of “Joy” normalizes the production of sebum, tightens and tones the skin. It has powerful anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, relieves muscle pain, headaches and migraines. It lifts the mood and cheers up.

#2 Mask with clay, essential oil from Zdravets, floral water from Zdravets and “Summer” face and body oil

2 tbsp. white clay
2 drops of Zdravetz essential oil
15 ml. floral water from Zdravetz
5 ml.  “Summer” face and body oil

Mix the ingredients well until the mixture becomes uniform and thick. Apply to the face tightly, in a thick layer. Leave it on for 15 minutes and wash it off.

SUMMER Face and body oil with Zdravetz, juniper and calendula extracts

With the application of “Summer”, tissue regeneration is activated, collagen production is stimulated, the skin is restored, and the epithelium is strengthened. A wonderful toning care for dehydrated skin. Aroma composition “Summer” restores the skin’s natural defences, increasing its immunity.

Juniper oil has an antiseptic, disinfecting, detoxifying, diuretic, antirheumatic, lipolytic and tonic effect, stimulates blood circulation in the most gentle way and cleans toxins.

CO2 Calendula extract has epithelium-forming and protective properties.

#3 Mask with clay, floral rose water and “Maat” antiage face and neck oil

2 tbsp. white clay
15 ml. floral rose water
5 ml. “Maat” face and neck oil

Mix everything well until you get a thick and uniform mixture. Apply to the face tightly, in a thick layer. Leave it on for 15 minutes and wash it off.

Rose Floral Water

It is suitable for all skin types, supporting hydration and normalizing its lipid barrier. It has a toning, softening and whitening effect. Stimulates cell regeneration and skin renewal.

The aroma of Rose has a calming and relaxing effect, gives pleasure and has a beneficial and comprehensive effect on the body. Aromatic molecules are quickly absorbed by skin cells, enhance metabolic processes and increase hydration.

“Maat” Antiage Face and Neck Oil with Bulgarian rose and lavender essential oils

With the application of the “Maat” oil, the skin becomes smooth and hydrated, the formation of wrinkles, stretch marks and couperose is prevented. It has strong regenerating properties, stimulates the growth of new cells, and balances subcutaneous fat. “Maat” is effective prevention against aging of the skin, has a therapeutic effect on stress, insomnia, and anxiety.

The oils of rose and lavender in the composition of “Maat” tone and soften. They help with skin inflammations, stimulate collagen synthesis, shrink capillaries and strengthen their walls.

Rose oil – the “queen of fragrances and cosmetics” stimulates cell regeneration, rejuvenates and hydrates. Removes the rough relief of the skin, and improves turgor and elasticity. Removes scars – post-operative, from acne and wounds.

The natural rose fragrance – floral and gently sweet – is sensual, feminine and therapeutic. It brings harmony, balance and beauty to life. It has a beneficial effect on the whole organism.

The aroma of lavender – sweet, fruity, and floral – calms and strengthens the nervous system to be more resistant to daily stress and tension.

Inhaled, the aromatic molecules are very quickly absorbed by the skin cells – they enhance metabolic processes and increase hydration. The aroma of the rose has a soothing and relaxing effect and gives you a good mood.

MAAT Face & Neck Oil - 1MAAT Face & Neck Oil - 2
Rose floral water - 1Rose floral water - 2

Optimal Mask Application Tips for Enhanced Results

Apply the masks to cleansed skin. The effect of the cosmetic procedure will be better if you do a facial steam bath or compress with floral water beforehand, which will help the pores to open.

Apply the mask evenly, skipping the areas around the eyes and lips. Enjoy the home beauty ritual in a peaceful environment, creating an atmosphere conducive to relaxation. This will allow the fine natural ingredients to work more effectively. Breathe in the wonderful floral and herbal aromas and relax. Allow the mask to dry and rinse. Then apply your favorite ECOMAAT products for daily facial skin care.

Don’t miss the other articles with recipes for homemade masks:

100% natural homemade masks Part II – soothing for red, sensitive and rosacea-prone skin>

100% natural homemade masks Part III – lightening for pigmentation and uneven skin tone>

100% natural homemade masks Part IV – regulation of skin oiliness>

In case you have any questions about the products and how to use them – we will be happy to answer at  or on our FB page.

The mask recipes are from our top cosmetic expert Yordanka Kruchmarova.