Discover the Special Features of Ecomaat Gemmotherapeutic Serum Rose

Ecomaat’s new limited product – Serum Roses contains CO2 extracts from the fresh, delicate embryonic tissues of just-forming, growing rose buds of rose damascena and rose alba: an energetic imprint of the future flowers, extracted with gemmotherapeutic methodology. We will briefly explore the concept of gemmotherapy and why the extracts obtained by this method have unique advantages for skincare.

Gemmotherapy is not a new term and although it is relatively unknown, there is a large amount of research and development behind it.

A Brief History of Gemmotherapy

Gemmotherapy is a branch of phytotherapy that uses plant embryonic tissue, specifically buds, to treat certain diseases. The use of plant buds dates back to the Middle Ages and the age of alchemists, when syrups were prepared from them to treat respiratory diseases. Poplar buds were used to make ointments and pine tree buds to prepare syrups for throat use. It was only in the 1960s that the Belgian naturopath and physician Dr. Paul Henry (1918-1988) drew inspiration from the results obtained by his colleague Neihans, who laid the foundations of “phytoembryotherapy”. Dr. Paul Henry complements the methods by systematically studying various buds and sprouts. In the 70s of the last century, the homeopath Max Tétau found a new name for phytoembryotherapy, “gemmotherapy”, which is now the widely recognized and accepted term.

The Potential of the Plant Bud

In gemmotherapy, only fresh embryonic tissues of plants, trees, and shrubs are utilized—namely, buds, shoots, and rootlets. The methodology’s name derives from the Latin word ‘gem,’ which means both ‘bud’ and ‘precious stone.’ The term ‘gemmule’ refers to the upper part of a seed embryo: the germ.

Buds are believed to possess more potent therapeutic properties compared to other plant parts. As an embryo, the bud is said to carry the entire developmental information for the entire plant—roots, stems, flowers, and fruits. The same applies to meristem tissues (formative tissues): Dr. Paul Henry suggests that they contain all the informative energy needed for the plant’s growth. Embryonic tissues of buds, leaves, and twigs are the most nutrient-rich parts of the plants. They contain higher concentrations of vitamins, nucleic acids, growth factors, and specific substances. Embryonic tissues also hold meristem cells (from the Greek ‘meristos’—divisible), possessing incredible regenerative properties similar to human stem cells.

Gemmotherapy emphasizes the ‘wholeness’ of the bud. The embryonic tissue offers a much broader spectrum of active effects compared to any other part of the plant. For instance, hawthorn buds—frequently used in gemmotherapy—are believed to exhibit properties of both the fruit (affecting heart tone) and the flower (influencing heart rate). Even more evocative, the linden bud is said to combine the soothing effects associated with this tree’s flower and the cleansing and diuretic properties of sapwood, the tender, whitish part which forms annually between the hard wood and the bark. Exceptions to this rule also exist—not all buds possess all the plant’s attributes. Growth can play a significant, even decisive role in the development of specific properties. For instance, raspberry buds do not offer the high vitamin C content found in mature fruits.

From gemmotherapy to gemmocosmetics

Ecomaat’s Roses gemmotherapeutic serum is a concentrate rich in active ingredients, captured at a moment of maximum content – with all the rose’s flower-shaping potential. We process the fresh, newly formed rose buds in the distillery immediately after they are picked in the garden. This is extremely important and ensures that the extract from them will be maximally biochemically active.

Growing rose buds have a special cell composition that gives them the ability to divide indefinitely and form future flowers. First of all, these are phytohormones, which are steroid substances responsible for various physiological processes in plants. They are also the active part of the extract of fresh buds of Alba rose and Damascena rose. Intracellular signaling molecules appear for the keratinocyte receptors, which transmit and initiate a chain of skin-strengthening effects associated with regulating and normalizing cellular metabolism. The result is a revitalization of the skin, reducing the appearance of all signs of aging (wrinkles, fine lines, lack of tone). Thanks to them and Rosie serum is able to heal the skin, protect its stem cells, regenerate it to make it look younger and more radiant than ever.

Our skin is directly subjected to chronic stress, which leads to damage to its barrier and an increase in age-related changes. The aroma molecules of rose Alba and Damascena are compounds that activate olfactory receptors. Their biological response triggers a cascade of processes that reduce the skin’s stress-induced fatigue and strengthen its natural defences. The scent of Roses Serum supports the skin in its physiological response to everyday stress.

Roses Serum also contains CO2 extracts of rose hips and walnuts. They stimulate the natural production of collagen and, together with the complex of plant oils, contribute to the renewal of the epidermis.

Benefits of Roses Serum:

‣ Nourishes and restores the skin structure.
‣ It slows down skin aging and the appearance of new wrinkles.
‣ Accelerates the process of cell regeneration and collagen formation.
‣ Strengthens capillary walls and reduces skin redness.
‣ Acts as a muscle relaxant.
‣ Excellent care for the eye contour.

It is suitable for anti-aging care for 30+, for mature, dry and fine skin (including the eye contour), as well as for the presence of spots and scars.

More details can be found on the product page.

Roses Serum - 1Roses Serum - 2

Gemmotherapeutic Roses Serum – Precious Ingredients in Limited Quantity

Gemmotherapeutic Roses Serum is a limited-edition product. The supercritical extract from rose buds that we produce is invaluable, but in very limited quantity. The production of the serum is only possible until the exhaustion of the extract quantity, which we obtained during the summer of 2022. After its depletion, the sale of the serum will be halted until the next rose harvest in 2023.

We advise you to act quickly and try this exceptionally effective cosmetic product. The results will captivate you.

Source Used: Article “From Gemmotherapy to Gemmocosmetics” – Jean-Claude Le Joliff

In case you have any questions about the products and how to use them – we will be happy to answer at  or on our FB page.