Lavender has been a widely valued aromatic plant since ancient times, and lavender oil is among the most widely used essential oils in aromatherapy, cosmetics, and perfumery. It has the most indications for relieving nervous tension. Calms and strengthens the nervous system in case of neuropsychiatric problems. In addition, it has pronounced antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and bactericidal properties.

The plant originates from the Mediterranean region, the Canary Islands and India. It has been associated with purity since the time of the Roman Empire when lavender was added to washing water and scented baths. The word derives from the Latin verb lavare, which translates as “to wash” and suggests the antiseptic and hygienic properties of lavender. In Christianity, the herb is considered a symbol of purity, chastity, and immortality. The ancient Egyptians used lavender for embalming and as a perfume.

See how you can incorporate lavender essential oil into your aromatherapy.

Useful properties of lavender oil

Antiseptic – has pronounced anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties.

Calming – relaxes, reduces blood pressure, helps with stress, insomnia, nervous exhaustion and depressive states.

Muscle relaxant – reduces muscle tension, relaxes and relieves lumbago, rheumatism, stretching of the tendons.

Immunostimulant – stimulates the cells of the immune system in the fight against viruses, relieves headaches and muscle spasms when rubbed into the skin.

Aids digestion – increases intestinal peristalsis, acts as an antispasmodic.

Diuretic effect – stimulates fluid excretion.

Balancing hormones – stimulates the release of menstrual blood, restores hormonal balance.

Relieves the respiratory system – helps with sore throats, flu, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, laryngitis, sinusitis.

Restorative action– stimulates skin blood circulation, accelerates regenerative processes and healing of skin wounds, in thermal and sunburns, uncomplicated wounds, psoriasis and eczema, in dry and damaged skin.

Insecticide – repels insects.

100% organic certified

The essential oil is obtained through steam distillation of stems and flowers of Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia). It is 100% natural and organically certified and meets the standard ISO 16128-1:2018.

The active compounds in lavender oil, provide biologically beneficial properties: Linalyl acetate, Linalool, Lavandulyl acetate, and Terpinene.

Linalyl acetate is an ester. Esters are formed from the reaction of acids and alcohols and have the most pronounced balancing effect of all the chemical components of essential oils. They are relaxing and soothing and have antispasmodic and antimicrobial properties. The high content of esters determines the pleasant lavender aroma.

Lavandulyl acetate is the acetate ester of the compound lavenderol, and has a floral, herbal aroma.

Linalool is a plant terpene alcohol and has natural antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.


Aroma lamp/aroma diffuser: 7-8 drops per 15-20 sq.m. area.

Aroma baths: 6-10 drops dissolved in 1 tbsp. honey, milk, sea salt.

Foot bath: 3 drops remove fatigue, and prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors.

Massage/self-massage: 4 drops per 10 ml. base oil.

Direct application of undiluted essential oil: for headaches, 1-2 drops are heated between the palms and massaged on the temples, forehead, painful points at the beginning of the eyebrows and the back of the head. For soft tissue injuries, insect bites, and acne.

Compresses: 4-6 drops per 200 ml. hot water.

Pets: against parasites, it is recommended to dip the leash in a solution of half a tbsp. alcohol and 6 drops of lavender essential oil.

Against moths: 50 drops on a small fungus or a strip of cloth that is placed directly in the wardrobe.

Contraindications: not to be used in the first months of pregnancy and after an abortion.


Learn more about Essential oils for stress – with calming and mood-enhancing effects>.

Aroma Blends

It has a sweet, fruity-floral, soothing, and woody aroma. It is preferred as a middle note in perfumery. It combines well with essential oils of rose, geranium, chamomile, lemon balm, mint, and white pine, as well as with citrus aromas.

We use lavender extract in some of our best cosmetic products with a soothing, anti-inflammatory, restorative effect:

Dodo Chamomile Baby Massage Oil - 1Dodo Chamomile Baby Massage Oil - 2
Energy Face & Body Oil - 1Energy Face & Body Oil - 2
Femina Face & Neck Oil - 1Femina Face & Neck Oil - 2
Lavender Floral Water - 1Lavender Floral Water - 2
MAAT Face & Neck Oil - 1MAAT Face & Neck Oil - 2
MAAT Dry Skin Face & Neck Oil - 1MAAT Dry Skin Face & Neck Oil - 2
MAAT Oily Skin Face & Neck Oil - 1MAAT Oily Skin Face & Neck Oil - 2
Relax Face & Body Oil - 1Relax Face & Body Oil - 2
Summer Face & Body Oil - 1Summer Face & Body Oil - 2

In case you have any questions about the products and how to use them – we will be happy to answer at or on our FB page.