Have you ever been horrified by the amount of cosmetics you carry with you, especially when you go on holiday? Day care, night care, eye contour, anti-aging serum, toner, cleansing lotion, makeup base, remover, pre-beach cream, a few for beach time, plus hair care – again during beach time, followed by post-beach ones. In short, a bag with cosmetics, for all needs.

In fact, the skin does not need much more than effective hydration and UV protection, and there is practically no guarantee that we will get it with the 20 different bottles that we will use today. And while cosmetics manufacturers invent hundreds more new products, luring us with eternal youth and radiant beauty, after only a few days of use, more and more dermatologists advise not to overdo it with cosmetics and not to rely on the effects that advertisements promise. Instead, choose care in small, carefully thought-out steps with a small number of quality products. This is a relatively new ideology called “skinimalism”, which we at Ecomaat have been professing for years.

According to Pinterest’s most searched words report, “skinimalism” was among the hottest topics for 2021, and this trend continues. The term combines skincare and minimalism. In practice, this means maintaining healthy and beautiful skin with few, but high-quality and multifunctional cosmetics. People are also searching for information on “naturally glowing skin,” “facial yoga,” “home skin care,” and “natural everyday makeup,” all of which are related to the skinny trend.

The cosmetics industry keeps promoting the use of more and more products that promise beauty. The result for many users is a compromised skin barrier and irritations from the excessive layering of cosmetics and makeup on the skin. Skinimalism is the opposite of this ideology, which emphasizes the real needs of the skin and keeps it healthy and fresh with a small number of quality and effective products that bring benefits, instead of creating illusions or masking flaws.

Skinimalism emphasizes the simplification of daily beauty care. The use of multi-component products, with active ingredients that complement each other’s active action without aggravating the skin, is becoming more and more relevant. In parallel, the minimization of the beauty ritual also leads to a smaller footprint on the environment – the use of fewer products is also associated with less packaging that pollutes nature – a detail that excites more and more consumers.

How to achieve healthy and naturally glowing skin with minimal used products

#1 Choose only the most important products for skin needs

Use products that meet only the basic needs of your skin: cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing and sun protection. Check the composition of products and avoid those with mineral oils and toxic compounds such as parabens, phthalates, sulfates and silicone.

Completely natural, quality Bio cosmetic products are beneficial for the skin and health, as they do not contain harmful or toxic substances and are absorbed more efficiently by the skin, penetrating deeper than the surface layers. In this way, they manage to meet the skin’s need for hydration, while at the same time delivering a rich cocktail of useful substances that protect and support its regeneration. The effect of natural cosmetics, especially in the long term, is tangible – healthy, clean and beautiful skin.

Learn more in the article: What does my cosmetics contain and how does it work – natural vs. synthetic ingredients>

#2 Show off your natural skin as it is

Use minimal makeup without completely concealing the natural imperfections in your skin’s texture and pigmentation. Or use completely natural remedies that regenerate the skin and lighten pigment spots. You can achieve excellent results and a quick visible effect at home – without needles, without pain and expensive procedures. Only with 100% natural, 100% bio cosmetic products.

See more in the article: How to deal with pigmentation, spots and skin dehydration after summer>

#3 Do more with less

Save money and time by choosing cosmetics with a multi-functional application – both for day and evening care, as well as a product for the face and the whole body, for example.

The 100% natural organic ingredients in natural cosmetics are perfectly absorbed by the skin and act synergistically, i.e. they complement each other in their active action and provide comprehensive care for the health and beauty of the skin.

#4 Don’t underestimate home beauty rituals

Homemade beauty recipes are easy and affordable. If you prepare a face or hair mask at home, you can choose only natural ingredients that work effectively and are easily absorbed, and also do not contain preservatives, artificial flavors and a bunch of other synthetic ingredients that your skin does not like. At the same time, you save at least one more unnecessary plastic packaging on the planet.

We offer you a very simplified routine that covers the basic needs of the skin

Step 1 Morning and evening: cleansing

Choose a natural product gentle enough to quickly cleanse the skin in the morning, but also effectively remove sunscreen in the evening.

We present to you the two-phase organic make-up removal – Heber with an oil component – Jojoba oil and a water component – floral water and CO2 lavender extract. The delicate, alcohol-free formula effectively removes make-up and impurities, preserving the skin’s protective layer. Regulates sebum, nourishes and soothes the skin. It is also suitable for the eye area.

Heber - Two-Phase Makeup Remover - 1Heber - Two-Phase Makeup Remover - 2

Step 2 Nourishment and hydration

Use an antioxidant-rich hydrating facial fluid morning and night. It provides excellent daily skin care with completely natural CO2 extracts of herbs and flowers dissolved in organic vegetable oils. Floral water, applied immediately before using the fluid, supports its effect.

Ecomaat’s Natural & Deluxe oil-based fluids and balms meet the concept of skinimalism with their multi-functional application – they provide both effective day and night care for the face, eye contour and décolleté.

During the cold months, face balms are especially suitable for day and night care for the skin of the face, décolleté and the delicate area around the eyes. They stimulate skin regeneration and slow down aging processes. They envelop the sensitive dry skin with a fine soothing layer that prevents it from drying out and protects it from the harmful effects of the environment.

Additional facecare


During the day, use sunscreen with SPF filters suitable for your phototype and skin needs.

Zdravetz essential oil and Zdravetz fluid have a natural UV factor – they protect the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight and free radicals and slow down the accumulation of melanin. You can use them for sun protection in the city or even for more serious exposure to the sun if your skin is not prone to pigmentation or too light, and for better protection, it is necessary to apply them more often.

# Homemade beauty recipes

Once a week you can apply homemade face masks and a homemade scrub. Choose a suitable recipe for a homemade mask with natural ingredients according to the needs of your skin:

100% natural homemade masks Part I – nourishment dry and loose skin>

100% natural homemade masks Part II – soothing for red, sensitive and rosacea-prone skin>

100% natural homemade masks Part III – lightening for pigmentation and uneven skin tone>

100% Natural Homemade Masks Part IV – Regulating Skin Oiliness>

Homemade scrubs are 100% natural and effective and are an eco-friendly choice over ready-made products that may contain synthetic ingredients, fragrances, and preservatives with unclear health benefits. See recipes for natural body scrub with essential oils>

Why choose Ecomaat products?

Confident in every ingredient we put in our products, for 20 years now we are happy to be able to offer quality and effective solutions for organic cosmetic care that work comprehensively and help you preserve the beauty, youth and health of your skin. Inspired by nature, we extract real precious plant ingredients, strictly observing the natural balance and applying the best, modern and ecological practices. We believe that you don’t need to use several different products to keep your skin young, fresh and beautiful.

In case you have any questions about the products and how to use them – we will be happy to answer at hello@ecomaat.eu  or on our FB page.