Antioxidants help maintain healthy, protected and youthful skin. See which plant CO2 extracts and essential oils are rich in antioxidants.

Antioxidants are our assistants in the care of maintaining healthy, protected and young skin. They have an anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effect and we can get them with a balanced diet, as well as through natural active ingredients in cosmetics.

What are antioxidants?

These are substances that inhibit oxidation or reactions stimulated by oxygen, peroxides and free radicals. Antioxidants serve to protect the living body from the destructive effects of harmful free radicals found in our daily environment.

Antioxidants such as glutathione, ubiquinol and uric acid are produced in the human body. However, with advancing age, unhealthy habits and increasing pollution in the environment, the need for external intake of antioxidants increases.

What are free radicals?

Free radicals are reactive atoms that contain one or more unpaired electrons, are produced in the body by natural biological processes or enter it from an external source. These external sources can include UV rays, toxins, pollution, environmental damage, radiation, tobacco smoke. Each is capable of damaging your body’s cells, proteins and DNA by changing their chemical structure.

Some free radicals are created as byproducts of chemical reactions in our cells, a direct result of bodily functions such as exercise or metabolizing our food for energy. They’re not necessarily bad in themselves, but they can cause lasting damage when they overwhelm your body’s natural defenses.

How do antioxidants help fight free radicals?

In the human body, most electrons are in pairs. Free radicals are very unstable molecules that contain unpaired electrons. They are “programmed” to pair up, meaning they tend to take electrons from other molecules. This causes oxidative stress and cellular damage. Once one free radical is created, a chain reaction occurs and many more are created.

Oxidative stress has been linked to all kinds of problems, including but not limited to: DNA damage, cell death, premature aging, neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

This is where antioxidants come in, which have the ability to prevent and stop cellular damage caused by oxidants. We need a healthy balance of antioxidants versus oxidants. As our bodies are exposed to increasing numbers of free radicals from factors such as pollution, chronic stress, smoking and alcohol, the human body needs to produce more and more of its own antioxidants (such as Q10 and others) to restore balance. Therefore, antioxidants taken additionally are becoming increasingly important.

Fortunately, antioxidants are abundant in food, available as supplements or ingredients in cosmetic products. They are capable of neutralizing damaging free radicals and reducing the risk of disease.

Discovering Sources of Antioxidants: Where to Find Them
Balanced nutrition

By striving to choose organically clean and antioxidant-rich foods, we can help the body restore its antioxidant balance. Fruits (especially berries), cocoa, coffee, green leafy vegetables, nuts, red wine, green tea and herbal teas, vegetable oils, whole grains and many others are rich in antioxidants.

It is important to eat a varied diet, including as many colors of fruits and vegetables as possible in your diet, so that you benefit from different vitamins, antioxidants and flavonoids to get the highest nutritional content without pesticides, herbicides, preservatives or GMOs. If you don’t buy organic produce, avoid eating the skins on your fruits and vegetables. This is because they contain most of the pesticides.

Antioxidants in skin care

In addition to an organic, fruit- and vegetable-rich diet, you can also get antioxidants through skin care. Natural cosmetics containing antioxidant plant extracts rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids and others, reduce skin oxidative stress and signs of skin aging. Active antioxidant ingredients help maintain healthy, youthful, supple and protected skin. They protect the epidermis from damage from adverse external factors such as UV rays, pollution, and inflammation.

Plants contain complex natural compounds – natural antioxidant complexes and vitamins that are easily absorbed and beneficial for skin health. For example, plant flavonoids protect the skin from sun damage, have an anti-inflammatory effect and reduce the formation of wrinkles. Vitamin E, which is mainly found in vegetable oils, nourishes and softens the skin. Beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A in the body and is important for maintaining healthy and glowing skin. Vitamin C is involved in collagen production and provides protection against aging and pigmentation.

Antioxidant-rich CO2 plant extracts and essential oils in Ecomaat products

Essential oil and CO2 extract of Bulgarian rose oil

The rose oil and the CO2 extract from the Bulgarian rose have pronounced antioxidant activity thanks to the content of geraniol – a strong natural antioxidant. They also contain about 300 different active substances that rejuvenate and revive beauty.

Taken in the form of nutritional supplements, rose extracts are an excellent prevention and therapy against premature aging of the body. They stimulate cell regeneration and slow down aging processes. They maintain the beauty and youth of the skin from the inside.

Learn more in the article: La Vie En Rose – nutritional supplements for youth, beauty and health >

As an ingredient in natural cosmetics, they rejuvenate, soothe, and hydrate the skin.

See more in the articles:

Therapeutic properties and benefits of rose oil >

Rosa facial fluid – a powerful and effective anti-aging formula >

Zdravetz essential oil and CO2 extract

The main component of the essential oil and extract of Zdravets is the terpene germacrone, which acts as an antioxidant and improves cell regeneration. In addition, the contained complex of azulenes, flavonoids, tannins, phenols, vitamin C, etc. stimulates skin regeneration and protects it. They provide natural UV protection.

See more in the articles:

Fluid Zdravetz – active hydration and antiaging skin care>

The aromatherapy properties and benefits of Zdravetz essential oil >

Rosehip fruit extract

It provides high protection of the skin against inflammation and oxidative stress caused by the influence of the environment. It is a natural source of beta carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, and also contains vitamins D and E and flavonoids known for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Learn more in the article: The rejuvenating power of Rosehip extract in skin care>

CO2 extract from Linden

The active ingredients in Linden flower extract include flavonoids known for their antioxidant properties. They actively suppress oxidation by free radicals or oxidative stress, the causes of the visible signs of aging.

See more in the article: Linden – strong antioxidant action and captivating aroma>

Calendula CO2 extract

Calendula extract contains carotenoids, a natural form of vit. And, thanks to this it accelerate cell regeneration – heals the epithelium and improves hydration. Other active ingredients of CO2 Calendula extract are oleic acid, lupeol, quercetin, α amyrin, and β amyrin. The action of these compounds is antioxidant, soothes the skin, and reduces discomfort.

See more in the article: The regenerating power of Calendula and skin care>

CO2 extract from Mursal tea

Thanks to the content of flavonoids, Mursal tea extract neutralizes the action of free radicals. It slows down the aging processes in the body at the cellular level.

See more in the article: The antioxidant and rejuvenating effect of Mursal tea in skin care >

CO2 extract from the roots of Iris

Contains isoflavones – substances from the group of plant estrogens known for their antioxidant effect. The CO2 extract of iris roots slows down the aging process of the skin by limiting the enzymes responsible for the breakdown of structural proteins and the reduced synthesis of collagen and elastin.

See more in the article: Secrets of the mystical Iris – why its root extract is used in cosmetics and how it works>

Packaging that preserves the valuable ingredients

Antioxidant ingredients in cosmetics break down when exposed to light and air, so it is important to store them in dark, glass and well-sealed containers.

All products of NATURAL&DELUXE collection are packed in an exclusive biophotonic glass packaging. Its unique properties filter different light frequencies from direct sunlight to both protect and revitalize natural products, drastically extending their shelf life without use of harmful synthetic preservatives.

On the other hand, glass packaging, unlike plastic packaging, does not interact with the product, which is extremely important for bio-certified cosmetics, where no preservatives are used.

In case you have any questions about the products and how to use them – we will be happy to answer at or on our FB page.